“When you lose someone you love, you gain an angel you know”
Laurèl Borggreve
“One of my best friends, Ida, died (19 yrs) of the effects of bone cancer even though she survived leukemia a few years earlier (12 yrs). I have never seen someone that stayed so happy, beautiful and positive during this battle. Even when they had to amputate her leg or remove part of her bone between her brains. As Ida is one of the most intelligent people I’ve ever met (getting two 9’s a week before she died) and wanted to study Physics/Chemistry, I was confident she was going to add value in the research against cancer. Unfortunately her life ended before she got this chance. Shortly before her death, I made her a promise that I would run a marathon and raise money for the fight against cancer.
The 6th of November 2022 this day is finally coming. Together with Team 2022, we are going to run the marathon of New York City, the city I have fallen in love with, the city of endless opportunities, and the city where no dream is big enough.
Therefore my goal is to raise 10K for Ida. And I need your help to achieve this! Maybe you know Ida, maybe you don’t. It would not only mean a lot to the both of us, but also to all the other people who have been through or died from this terrible disease. Any donation is much appreciated.
To fully commit myself for this charity, I have also become the treasurer of the Run for Life Board 2022.”
Lots of love and many thanks in advance,
Donatieteller: € 0.00
Resultaten Run for Life
Run for Life is in 2010 opgericht met één missie: Het lopen van de marathon van New York met als doel zoveel mogelijk geld op te halen voor KWF Kankerbestrijding via sponsoring.
In de eerste 10 jaren heeft Run for Life maar liefst € 297.353,37 opgehaald voor KWF Kankerbestrijding.
In 10 jaar tijd hebben 184 renners met ons meegelopen, een geweldige prestatie! Hierop voortbouwend gaan we in 2021 voor de tiende keer met een nieuw team maar met dezelfde toewijding voor ons doel.
In 1949, het oprichtingsjaar van KWF Kankerbestrijding, was slechts 25% van de kankerpatiënten 5 jaar na de diagnose nog in leven. Dit percentage is sindsdien gestegen naar 65%. Een mooi resultaat, maar er is nog een lange weg van veel onderzoek te gaan.